Child Services Inc. NY is an Early Intervention agency providing initial and ongoing service coordination to children in Brooklyn, Queens, New York City, Staten Island, and The Bronx. Our highly qualified personnel serve families and children ages birth-3 years old.

What is Early Intervention and Service Coordination?
The Early Intervention Program is a family-centered program for infants and young children ages birth to three, with developmental delays or who have a diagnosed condition with a high probability of developmental delay. The program emphasizes the earliest possible identification of infants and toddlers with disabilities. Family participation is encouraged and services are provided in the natural environment (home, daycare, community) for the child whenever possible. Eligibility is determined by a multi-disciplinary evaluation and services are based upon the individual child's needs. These services may be direct or consultative and may include speech, physical and other therapies, child development groups, family counseling, and transportation. There is no direct cost to the family. Reimbursement is sought from third-party payers, but by law, cannot affect a family's insurance lifetime cap or any deductions. To refer a child to the Early Intervention Program, contact your designated elected official (Early Intervention Official) EIO of your municipality/county Early Intervention Program. For information about the statewide program, contact the NYS Department of Health, Bureau of Early Intervention at (518) 473-7016 or E-mail:
Service coordination must be provided to all children referred to an Early Intervention Official who are suspected of having a disability. Since infants and toddlers with disabilities require a comprehensive array of services that may be provided by multiple agencies or individuals, federal and state laws require the provision of a service coordinator who is responsible for ensuring communication, collaboration, and coordination among providers of service to eligible children and their families.
Early intervention service coordination combines the traditional case management activities of organizing and coordinating needed services with the philosophy of family-centered care. A major goal of service coordination is to create opportunities for the provision of collaborative, family-centered, community-based services for infants and toddlers with disabilities and their families.
The initial service coordinator is frequently the first representative of the public agency responsible for the program with whom the parent interacts subsequent to a referral of their child to the early intervention official. The initial service coordinator has primary responsibility for ensuring that parents are informed about the Early Intervention Program and their rights under the program; securing the essential information and consent from parents necessary for participation in early intervention services; and assisting parents in selecting an evaluator and obtaining a screening and/or multidisciplinary evaluation for their child.
The ongoing service coordinator is responsible for monitoring the delivery of early intervention services in accordance with the IFSP. Ongoing service coordinators provide parents with continuing opportunities to share information, priorities, and concerns regarding their IFSP. A variety of methods are available to the ongoing service coordinator for providing such opportunities to families and monitoring and coordinating the provision of services in the IFSP, including home visits, telephone contacts with the parent, other caregiver, and service providers, and meetings with the parent and service providers to foster and support collaboration and integration of service strategies. The ongoing service coordinator is responsible for facilitating the child's transition to preschool special education services and/or other programs and services needed by the child and family as the child ages out of the Early Intervention Program, including the development of a transition plan

Mon - Fri: 8:00 am - 5:30 pm
Sat: Closed
Sun: Closed